Thursday, December 11, 2008

BTW! worst day ever

i can't believe what has happened. it the worst thing ever. i know some of you have bad things happen. your moving box stops moving. you can't move anymore. you get scary things. sometimes your mouth hurts and you can't eat. or maybe your awesome manly cat is gone. but whatever is bad for you. it is not as bad as this.

i have been violated. destroyed. sleep mom did it. she and food mom put me back in the horribly unmanly box which is a girl color. food mom says it is pink. i hate that color. pink. i hate that box. i hate food mom. and sleep mom. mostly the ladies at the cold place.

sleep mom took me in the moving box. food mom says to call it driving. food mom is dumb and i hate her so i will ignore her. until i need scratching. which is now. brb.

so i was taken in to the cold place and left there. yes. left. sleep mom left me there. and then it was awful. i was held down and made to be sleeping. which is awesome. but when i woke up. i was not as awesome as i used to be. i was defaced. ruined. chopped into pieces. my amazing manliness was gone.

it is still gone. 2 days later. i have no hair on half of me and an awful horrible plastic bowl on my head. it is the worst collar ever. i will never complain about my black one. or the white one. this one is the worst. it keeps me from cleaning or scratching. especially my hairless tummy, which is totally itchy.

btw, since i got home, they have putting me in the cold, loud room. i hate it. and my nose is white. and i have been peeing funny dark colors.

oh. my moms seem to be worried. they are sitting by me and petting and rubbing me. i like this. i am not so mad i guess.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

BTW! bad day

so i had a very bad day last week. i know. i know. that was a very long time ago. but it still is in my head. it was that awful and bad and ungood.

i woke up and went to say hi to my moms. and i was thrown into the room where the loud creature lives. and then i was let out. and sleep mom put me in an extremely unmanly box. it was a girl color. and small. and i hated it. i let her know all of my hate too. she got it.

then she put me in the moving box and we were in it for a very long time. i was so so so mad. but mostly quiet. because i try not to yell nowadays. we got to this place that was cold and there were other animals. there was a dog and it kept trying to play. but i was in my unmanly box, so i ignored him.

then. oh. then. i went into a room with sleep mom. btw, she does not let me sleep with her so much anymore. i am sad. so we went in and they let me out of the untough box. i was happy, but then they held me down and stabbed me. stabbed me! little sharp things in me and i was unhappy. so i yelled and yelled. and then i had to go back into the unawesome box and then back into the moving box. and we were in the moving box for such a long time.

i had a lot to say at that time. sleep mom got an earful of complaints. i bet she'll think twice. or three times. before she tries any of that again.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

BTW! new moms

yes. new ones. more than one. one day, i realized i had not smelled sneeze mom in a long time. i quick run to her door and i can see that sleep mom have moved into that room. and a new person has been seen (by me) going into that room. another mom. she does not like me.

i am trying to convince that i am awesome. i see her and run over to say hi and be cute and she just tosses me outside. i have been going outside a lot since she moved in. which is way cool and totally what i want, but i do like being inside sometimes. i'm thrown out a lot though... especially when i just want some pettings.

food mom has been petting me a lot recently. i am super liking this. also, she stacked me a pile of soft blankets in the room with the loud box. it's in front of a window that all the time shows fire. and it is very warm. i love it. i sleep by it. it is mine.

so there is antimanly mom now. who is totally not liking me. which is sad. and there is also happy mom. she is full of happiness. it comes out of her all the time. and really loudly. you can't miss it.

she comes into the box room every day and sits down in front of the fire window and takes it. and then i come over to tell her to move and she gets girly happiness all over me. so i hide under the table.

the window is currently not occupied so i am going to sit in front of it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

BTW! mounds

hi. i was outside all day. i feel super awesome. i ignored the moms when they called me. real men ignore their women folk. i heard that in the outside. outside is a big learning place. oh. food mom says to call it a school. now she says outside is not a school. i told her to not read over my shoulder.


she sprayed me with the wet bottle. i am angry. she made me jump all over the place. i hate that bottle gr. hate.

anyway. a long time ago--like 2 weeks--clean mom was not so clean. her room had these huge mounds all over the floor. they were soft and smelled like her and i loved it. i got to climb on them and in them and sleep all over them.

clothes, food mom says. the mounds were clothes. i don't like her reading over my shoulder. she says outside makes me naughty and she wants to make sure i am not naughty. she thinks i will say mean things. food mom is dumb sometimes.

i hate it when she sprays me. hate.

clean mom is rolling over in sleep. i will go see her now.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

BTW! bags

i love bags. omg. i love them. when i see a bag i have to run over as fast as cattily possible and investigate. i stick my nose in it. and see where it has been. usually they have been outside, which is pleasing. and i am always so excited, i stick my whole head in. sometimes i get stuck. other times, i just jump in and hang out.

but sleep mom has been mad at me lately about bags. she shouts at me and claps her hands in the air and it makes loud noises and i hate it and i run away from her. i am full of unhappy feelings for those clapping motions. and the hissing sound she makes. but she is mad because of something she calls piddling, and i call marking my turf. which is most bags.

last night she totally threw me off of a bag mid-mark and right towards food mom, and looked very angry. i was upset. i hid under the light box. i was pursued there. it was very scary. but now, i am angry at them for yelling and throwing me. i will go tell them of my anger.


i am back. i expressed myself all over the house as vocally as i could. and they ignored me. so i will go hide around some corners. they cannot ignore me when i am on their feet eating them.

btw, food moms feet are blue today. i am concerned.

BTW! standing

on occasion, i have to sit on my back legs to see on the top of tall things. sometimes i try to see on the top of my moms' heads. i often do not do well there.

and much very less often, i stand on my back feet. yeah. like moms' do. and the other day i was trying to look out the window in clean moms room, and i stood on my feet because it is very high, and clean mom started laughing at me. i have noticed she laughs at me a lot. she does not respect me.

i do not like being laughed at because i feel much less tough than i am.

so i do extra awesome things to improve her image of me. like in the early morning, i go to check on her and her door is closed. i open it for her so she does not have to. and when i get inside and she does not move, i am worried that she has died in her sleep so i holler at her and then she pulls me onto the bed. i am so glad she is not dead that i tell her how much i love her not dead face. she does not like that though.

which leads me to believe clean mom does not respect me or love me.

although, she must love me more than food mom. all she does is yell at me for getting on the counters and ignores my talking.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

BTW! beds

hi. i have been way busy being awesome. sometimes i forget i have this. and moms are not always letting me use their computers.

but recently sleep mom has not been so letting me in her room. i have been very vocal about that and it paid off. clean mom let me in her room now. it is so awesome. it is good to be reminded that i am the man of this house.

so clean moms bed is super soft and when i step on it, it sinks under my muscle. but sometimes it eats me. it's really bad and things that are unfun but not scary. do not call it scary. anyway.

i like to hide under her bed and hunt her feet or things that hang off of the bed. but sometimes nothing comes by, but it is very clear that they are on the top of the bed. and since i am in the very back of the under the bed, i decide to not go out the low way. i jump up. there is a space between the bed and the wall and it is pretty perfect for jumping. and it makes clean mom jump and she is scared. i love it with a lot of feeling.

but sometimes, it does not work. i get up, but do not stay up. i can't find a grabbing place and go back down. then clean mom laughs very much and i am bitter.

i feel bitter now. and sleep mom is calling me emo. i am not sure what it is, but after a stern talk to her a while back about my manliness, i am sure it is extremely manly. and tough. i feel so emo.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

BTW! outside

back when i was very young and did not live here with my moms i lived outside. since i came here i have not been outside much. moms don't let me out. first they thought i would run away but i proved them wrong the first time i snuck out. i came back. they understood. i know they did. but i still am not allowed outside.

food mom says it is because of flees. oh. fleas. there is an a. which is stupid. she says fleas get on me when i go out there. i am not so shure. but i am not so shure or what fleas are. mom says that they are small and black and they bite my skin. i think i understand now. i hate those things. they are outside? i am unhappy about this. who takes care of the outside? they should not let fleas be there.

recently food mom has been holding me down and putting very stinky drippy stuff on my back where i cannot clean. it is very annoying. she says it is to keep fleas away but i am still itching. she says i cannot go outside anymore unless she can find a way to keep the fleas off of me. i don't like fleas. a lot. they make me itch and hurt and they keep me from going outside.

that is reminding me of the new scary thing sleep mom got. it is a can of loud. it sits by the door to outside and if i get too close to the door while it is open, one of my moms will grab the loud and let it out. at me. it hisses at me and i can feel it's angry very cold breath. i am not accepting of this can of loud. it needs to go away.

i think my moms are getting up so i need to get their attentions.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

BTW! flying thing

ahhhh! there is a new thing in my house.

so i killed the feather a long time ago. i tore it apart. and it was gone. dead. i won. and it was delicious as i knew it would be. and after i beat it. a new challenger came. it is still here. it has a million legs or arms or tails. or all of those things. and they are curly and colorful. and they are weird. they flying around my house. they are like the tails balloons have. i think they maybe be the same thing.

but this is not the new thing i am thinking of. no. not at all. this new thing is very new. food mom brought it home tonight. i saw it and knew it was going to be very good at fighting me and i instantly attacked. mom was mad at me. i think i clawed her leg. she shut me in the bathroom and when i came out the thing was right there. i think she shut me in to let it out of its box. i hate being shut in places. but i am not shut in often.

i have been fighting the thing since it was put up. a very long time. an hour food mom says. i will go fight it some more.

BTW! silver tape

i had to write a new one about silver tape because i hate it to death.

food mom and sleep mom got together in the food room and were laughing about something. so i came in because it is my room too and food mom picked me up and put a piece of silver tape on the bottom of my foot. i was very unhappy and fought with it and i finally got it off. it was extremely unfun.

and then later, sneeze mom came in and so food and sleep mom did the tape on my foot again. what the flip? i was so full of misery that the tape went off quick. i am so mad just remembering.

BTW! boxes

i am knowing i said something about boxes once. but that was a very long time ago. also. i am not thinking of the same boxes. i am thinking of unhappy boxes. boxes that fill me with misery and other ungood emotions.

boxes made of paper. thick paper. hard paper. mom calls them cardboard. all the moms do. there was one that sleep mom put between the couches for me and i liked it because it was all open and whatever. but food mom came home one night with other boxes and silver tape. omg silver tape is evil. and she took the tape and little boxes and attached them to my big box. and then she put a round box on it too. and there was two ways in. the side which had the round box, but it is very small. and the top, which is square and large but very high up. i was not impressed. and then she put me inside of the box. i was unaware of what to do. the hole beside me was too small. until i went out and realized it was not too small.

but i hate this new box. i hope it goes away.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

BTW! little aunt

i have a little aunt. she does not live with me. or she would be a mom. so she is an aunt.

she is smaller than any of my moms. and she smells nice. she is the small human i found that day. the one who fed me a lot of food. the one food mom got me from. yeah. she is my little aunt.

she has been coming over a lot. i like that. she pets me and tells me to love her. and she holds me and stares at me. it is very fun. sometimes food mom tells her to stop paying attention to me and to pay attention to her. how silly.

i most certainly the center of her attention because of my awesome manliness.

by the way. clean mom has started saying i am not as cute as i used to be. and while i think that cute means not manly. i do not like that i am less cute than i was. i am totally cute. and totally manly. they can be the same thing. i tried to tell her of her mistake but she ignored me. so i shouted about it for a few hours the other night. i think all my moms got the message.

people simply have to listen when i talk.

Friday, September 19, 2008

BTW! rocks

so. sneeze mom. who has been missing for a very long time. has these rocks. they live in a big glass box by the kitchen counters. which i am not allowed on when moms are home. but i totally walk all over them while they are gone.

but the rocks. they are very boring. sneeze mom calls them tortississ. sleep mom calls them turtles. food mom calls them tortles. i am so confused. they are not tortississ or turtles or tortles. they are rocks. that is it. why do they pretend these rocks are alive when they have me. who is totally alive. and softer than a rock. softer than two rocks. i am so much better than rocks.

but sometimes they move. a little. a lot. it's very confusing. usually rocks do not move.

maybe they are alive. these tortississles. but i doubt it.

i am not allowed to stand on their box, though. when i do, i get thrown off. i am also not allowed to touch the tree beside the box. is it their tree? can rocks own trees? i hate these rocks.

they steal my moms.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

BTW! sand box

something has happened to my box of sand. it is different. it has grown a shell. like the rocks in the box. my box has a shell. i object. i think.

actually, the shell is not so bad. it is making my box private. awesome. the only unawesome thing is that it is not my original box. it is a new one and therefore does not smell like me. how unamazing. but the shell is so nice. and it makes the box dark and my own. i'd like to see food mom dig in it now. i have foiled her. it was so smart of me to get the box a shell. i am so amazingly smart. which is what cats are. smart.

sleep mom is calling me a liar again. she does that a lot. she says i lie in my blog here. i think she is the liar. i hate her lies. they are stupid and so obviously lies. she is a not good liar. her most recent lie is to call me the liar and say that i did not decide to get the shelled box of sand. she says she thought of it and bot it. what is bot? i think that is a made up word. bot. dumb.

so much dumb and lies. i am so offended i can not even handle it. i am probably going to jump on clean moms clothes, which appear to not have my hair on them. which is terrible. if she does not wear my hair and my scent, how will other people know she is mine? what is some male human tries to take her? my hair will inform him of his mistake and he will most surely back away from my mom. who is mine. all of them are mine.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

BTW! teeth

i love to run around my house. it is the best obstacle corse ever. it has big stairs and little stairs and big couches and walls. and i just run and run. i jump on the couches and fall behind them because they are not all easy to grab with my feet.

but one time, i was running around and being awesome when i messed up. i jumped to get on one of the slippery couches and i fell off. and usually, when i fall off stuff, i land on my feet and leap away like the awesome i am. but this time i did not land on my feet. there was no time to get my feet the right way. instead i landed on my head. actually, i landed on my face. and not on the carpet. i landed on the table by the slippery couches. my face landed on it. actually, the table reached out and grabbed my face. it hit me and made one of my amazing teeth fall out. and my mouth tasted like metals. and the tooth was on the floor. and i was so unhappy. i cried. and no one was home to console me. so i was angry. and i ran around some more. then i took a nap and felt better. i then misplaced my tooth. i want it found so i can get it back in. please to find it.

also, find the mouse i probably killed. food mom said she found a mouse in my little box, but i did not eat the mouse. i would remember that. hm. food mom said little box, but i think she meant my box of sand.

oh. she said she did not say little. she said litter. i am not sure what litter is. i do not understand. please learn to speak right, food mom.

Monday, September 15, 2008

BTW! water bowl

sleep mom and food mom said it would be good to use btw for my titles. it is innocent they said. i am not sure what innocent is. is it manly? i suspect it is. they would not give me unmanly things. my collar is black, which is way manly. the bell is not very manly though... i try often to remove it. anyway. btw it is. which stands for by the way, if you did not know. you may be lacking in smarts. being a cat, i have a very lot of smarts.

i may have mentioned once a long time ago that i have a very large water bowl in the water room. it is very large. well. i was shocked to discover i have not only one big water bowl, but three. but one of those bowls is in sneeze moms room and that is not allowed. that frustrates me.

the one down the stairs is very full of water and perfect for drinking. when it is open. i dislike it being closed. all the time.

but the one that is up the stairs. stairs which are very good for running up and scaring food mom. the one up the stairs is amazing. it spins the water around and around and makes sucking noises. it swirls the water. it's awesome. i love to watch and watch. today i was waiting for the swirling but it wouldn't come, so i stepped in the bowl to check it out and suddenly the water came swirling. clean mom and food mom were there and they were laughing at me. my feet were wet. it was not even a little funny. not even a little at all.

i also suspect there is a thing to touch to make the water swirl. i shall find it and make it mine.

???! obnoxious

i had to ask food mom how to spell obnoxious. i thought it was obnokshuce. sorry for being wrong. i am not so sure i am wrong, though. but who am i to argue with mushy food.

food mom also says i should not use omg in my titles. she says it means something i should not say. i'm not sure what she thinks it means. but seriously, who am i to argue with mushy food. so i guess i will just fine a new one. i am not a laugher out louder. or a what the flipper. i do not roll on the floor with laughs either. i run out of big letter words quickly... i need to run around. brb.

that was a good run. i possibly killed one of my colorful mice. it has vanished. last seen in box room. please return to me if you find it. please to be finding it. but the run around was good. i have not found a good big letter word though. that frustrates me.

not being allowed to put omg anymore makes me feel like there is something obnoxious chasing me. like a bottle of rocks or a bottle of big water. both of which exist. in my house. it is the worst. ever. worse than the big moving box.

sleep mom has the bottle of big water. it is tricky. the bottle is small and you don't know there is water. and suddenly water comes out and it goes everywhere and you are all wet and it is so not fun and i hate it. and she got two. i hate the water in the bottles and i especially hate it on me. food mom has the bottle of rocks. she shakes it at me. it is very loud. very. and i don't really understand how she got the rocks in it. and i am sure the rocks will fly out. also, i am unsure when it will shake. or why. she shakes it at me when i try to talk to her feet. and when i try to go out the big door. i hate bottles. a lot.

today was not a whole bad day. i did get into sneeze moms room. it was awesome. a little boring. but awesome.

speaking of rooms. we have an echo room. it is dark and cold and mysterious. i think someone lives in there. no, i am sure someone does. i mean, a big someone. because sometimes the room shakes from behind the door. and it is roaring so loud and screaming. i think the big someone kills people. that idea is scary. even more scary is that my moms go in that room. daily. this morning food mom went in for a very long time. and while she was there the big someone started to scream and roar and shake and i was so worried for my mom. because she feeds me. not that i like her. i totally don't. i also think sleep mom is crazy because she is always sticking her head in the echo room. probably to see if the big someone is awake or something. she doesn't do it very long and always locks the door after. i worry about her doing that because she has an especially awesome smelling head. face. area.

so i decided to save my moms. i went into the echo room twice today. yes. twice. and both times sleep mom pulled me out. she must be very scared of the big someone. who is a very good hider. i could not find the big someone. ever. i tried to locate him the first time and failed. and sleep mom threw me inside. but i was determined to save her and went back later. i tried to convince her to let me save her and even tried to escape her but she caught me and threw me back and then she stayed in herself. i was very worried about her. i was sure it ate her and i was begging the big someone not to because she smells like goodness and is very soft. but the big someone did not eat her. he let her go. and she came back to me.

i am determined to kill and eat that big someone and save my moms.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

OMG! feet

ok. the moms have funny feet. not like mine at all. furless. longer. softer. weirder. i didn't notice them at first, but now i want to catch them. i think they are so strange. they are always changing too. one minute they are pink another they are white and kind of fuzzy. and other times they get hard black shells on them or colorful coats. it's just too much. i have to talk to those feet and tell them they should not be so changing.

i tried to talk to food moms feet yesterday. but she didn't like that. they threw me into the hall. but i didn't give up. i kept trying. and then threw me again. further. i was frustrated. i went into sleep moms room to sulk.

but there were a lot of feet over yesterday. at first, a very small human with little everything came and he chased me around and sometimes he was gentle and sometimes he hit me. i started avoiding him. but the small thing would not go away. i thought clean mom would put him away somewhere. clean mom is the mom who was new. but anyway. then food mom put me in the box room. with my food. and my toys. and my sand box. and they left me there. for a very very long time. i could hear strange noises from outside the room. sometimes food mom came with humans i had never seen. and they'd pet me and think i was cute. i am not cute. i am super manly. one of her friends smelled like two cats. i will meet those cats.

i was let out though. and then fed. and then i chased these floating strings and are all over the house. they are still here. hanging there. they are curly. and attached to the high end is a big round ball of color. i am confused.

Friday, September 12, 2008

OMG! sand box

i have got a sand box in the box room. the box room has got two huge metal boxes that rumble and shake and bounce a lot. usually after one of my moms is putting stuff in it and pokes it. i think they feed the boxes and then the boxes yell and stuff. i am not scared of them, but they are of the annoying. they should be moved from the room. somewhere else. not there.

my box of sand is in that room. it is mine. no one else uses it. sometimes, food mom uses a small shovel in the box when she thinks i am not around, but i see all the time. she digs around for a while and dumps stuff in a little bag. that's all she does though. she doesn't use the box like i do. i'm not sure if they have a box they use like i use mine. i am not seeing one anywhere.

but. the sand box. which is mine for sure. it has got something horrible in it. i did not put it there either. it was there when i was getting the box. it is white and it grabs my feet and comes apart sometimes and it sticks up and i am full of hate for it. i was always telling my moms about it, but they did not listen to me. until today. food mom was watching me fight with the white thing in my box. the white thing lives under my sand and sneaks up on me. and she watched us fight, and even though i won, she could tell i was unhappy. very unhappy. i cried a bit. not in a whimpy way. a very manly way. anyway. food mom waited for me to leave and then she went inside the box room and shut the door. i was confused. and when she came out, she had a big white bag and it was heavy with something. hm. i smelled it and it smelled like my box, so i ran in to make sure she had not taken my box but my box was there. and the white thing that lived inside of it was gone. i am suspecting she killed it and took away. that makes my happy.

sneeze mom stayed home yesterday with me. she watched little humans in her flat box and coughed a lot and i ran around the house, which is very fun. when food mom came home the blue feather woke up and it tormented me when i hid behind the couch. i could not catch it, even though i jumped all the time. i even fell off the couch and i got mad and ran away. i am unhappy with the blue feather.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

OMG! blue feather

i have lived in my new house for days now. that is a very long time. and they do not let me go outside. food mom says i will run away. i do not think i will. i get food here. sleep mom agrees with food mom, though.

there is a blue feather in my house. sometimes it sits very still and does not move, even when i hit it. and other times it bounces and flies around the house. it hits me in the face and taps me all over and when i jump on it, it gets away. i don't get it. but i will catch it and eat it one day.

omg, i heard sneeze mom's door open. i have to go run inside.

edit later:
sneeze mom did not let me in her room again. sneeze mom has a man human and he stops me sometimes. food mom tried to shut the door to sneeze moms room once and i ran into the door. food mom laughed. i am still angry with her.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

OMG! moms

i have four moms. food mom, sleep mom, sneeze mom, and new mom. i have lived with food and sleep mom since the beginning. sneeze mom came later, and she is alerjik to me. more on alerjikx later. new mom is new and i don't know much about her yet. she says no a lot. i do not understand.

food mom is the same as tall human. but i live with her and she feeds me every day. twice. that is a lot. she gives me a bowl of mushy food in the morning and then another bowl at night. she puts crunchy food in a bowl that sits out all the time. i enjoy that. it never runs out. she is always showing me a bowl of water by my food. i do not understand why. i have a perfectly good bowl of water in the water room. except it has a lid. and every one keeps it down. i dislike that. i cry about that to food mom and she tells me i have water. she doesn't understand me. and then i tell sleep mom and she doesn't even listen. i hate it when they ignore me.

sleep mom is one of the two related humans who i met my first night here. she lets me sleep in her room. i like to lay there and be comfortable on her bed. when she is awake, i like to look at her. she smells good so i like to lick her. she tells me no when i do that. sometimes she kicks me off the bed. i forgive her because i know it is an accident. but sometimes she throws me out of her room and i know that is on purpose.

sneeze mom will not let me into her room. even though i cry and cry she does not open her door. she says i make her sick. i am offended by that. i do not make anyone sick because i am cute and cool and manly. she says i do though. food mom says sneeze mom is alerjek to me. i don't know what that is.

sleep mom has dark fur. her related human has yellow fur. food mom has brown fur too. so does sneeze mom. new mom has yellow fur, but is not related to sleep mom. i have a lot of moms. i do not understand.

omg, i see a feather flying around the room. i must catch and eat it.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

OMG! new house

i have a house! i used to live on the street and didn't always eat. then i saw this small human walking a large dog and the human petted me. i met the dog. the dog is weird. it thinks it is two dogs. i do not understand.

i followed the small human back to her house and cried at her. she gave me a lot of mushy food. a lot. and then this very tall human girl came and they talked and then they put me in a box with little metal squares in front. they carried me around for a while and then put the box into a bigger box that shakes and moves and makes noise. i did not like that big box. or the little box. both should go away forever.

they took me some place full of other animals. they got me stuff and then back into the big moving box. i hate that box. we went to the tall humans house. i am here now. tall human calls me necrol. i like it. it sounds tough. i am one tough cat.

omg, i hear the tall human and am going to go insist she pet me.

edit later:
it was not the tall human. it was two different humans who have similar scents and i think they are related. they let me follow them around. they pet me. i like them. but where is tall human and small human? they have been gone a long time.