Saturday, November 29, 2008

BTW! new moms

yes. new ones. more than one. one day, i realized i had not smelled sneeze mom in a long time. i quick run to her door and i can see that sleep mom have moved into that room. and a new person has been seen (by me) going into that room. another mom. she does not like me.

i am trying to convince that i am awesome. i see her and run over to say hi and be cute and she just tosses me outside. i have been going outside a lot since she moved in. which is way cool and totally what i want, but i do like being inside sometimes. i'm thrown out a lot though... especially when i just want some pettings.

food mom has been petting me a lot recently. i am super liking this. also, she stacked me a pile of soft blankets in the room with the loud box. it's in front of a window that all the time shows fire. and it is very warm. i love it. i sleep by it. it is mine.

so there is antimanly mom now. who is totally not liking me. which is sad. and there is also happy mom. she is full of happiness. it comes out of her all the time. and really loudly. you can't miss it.

she comes into the box room every day and sits down in front of the fire window and takes it. and then i come over to tell her to move and she gets girly happiness all over me. so i hide under the table.

the window is currently not occupied so i am going to sit in front of it.

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