Thursday, October 30, 2008

BTW! standing

on occasion, i have to sit on my back legs to see on the top of tall things. sometimes i try to see on the top of my moms' heads. i often do not do well there.

and much very less often, i stand on my back feet. yeah. like moms' do. and the other day i was trying to look out the window in clean moms room, and i stood on my feet because it is very high, and clean mom started laughing at me. i have noticed she laughs at me a lot. she does not respect me.

i do not like being laughed at because i feel much less tough than i am.

so i do extra awesome things to improve her image of me. like in the early morning, i go to check on her and her door is closed. i open it for her so she does not have to. and when i get inside and she does not move, i am worried that she has died in her sleep so i holler at her and then she pulls me onto the bed. i am so glad she is not dead that i tell her how much i love her not dead face. she does not like that though.

which leads me to believe clean mom does not respect me or love me.

although, she must love me more than food mom. all she does is yell at me for getting on the counters and ignores my talking.

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