Friday, September 19, 2008

BTW! rocks

so. sneeze mom. who has been missing for a very long time. has these rocks. they live in a big glass box by the kitchen counters. which i am not allowed on when moms are home. but i totally walk all over them while they are gone.

but the rocks. they are very boring. sneeze mom calls them tortississ. sleep mom calls them turtles. food mom calls them tortles. i am so confused. they are not tortississ or turtles or tortles. they are rocks. that is it. why do they pretend these rocks are alive when they have me. who is totally alive. and softer than a rock. softer than two rocks. i am so much better than rocks.

but sometimes they move. a little. a lot. it's very confusing. usually rocks do not move.

maybe they are alive. these tortississles. but i doubt it.

i am not allowed to stand on their box, though. when i do, i get thrown off. i am also not allowed to touch the tree beside the box. is it their tree? can rocks own trees? i hate these rocks.

they steal my moms.

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