Monday, September 15, 2008

BTW! water bowl

sleep mom and food mom said it would be good to use btw for my titles. it is innocent they said. i am not sure what innocent is. is it manly? i suspect it is. they would not give me unmanly things. my collar is black, which is way manly. the bell is not very manly though... i try often to remove it. anyway. btw it is. which stands for by the way, if you did not know. you may be lacking in smarts. being a cat, i have a very lot of smarts.

i may have mentioned once a long time ago that i have a very large water bowl in the water room. it is very large. well. i was shocked to discover i have not only one big water bowl, but three. but one of those bowls is in sneeze moms room and that is not allowed. that frustrates me.

the one down the stairs is very full of water and perfect for drinking. when it is open. i dislike it being closed. all the time.

but the one that is up the stairs. stairs which are very good for running up and scaring food mom. the one up the stairs is amazing. it spins the water around and around and makes sucking noises. it swirls the water. it's awesome. i love to watch and watch. today i was waiting for the swirling but it wouldn't come, so i stepped in the bowl to check it out and suddenly the water came swirling. clean mom and food mom were there and they were laughing at me. my feet were wet. it was not even a little funny. not even a little at all.

i also suspect there is a thing to touch to make the water swirl. i shall find it and make it mine.

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